Tonight as I was getting Joey all snuggled into bed I told him how proud I am of his work in school lately. Earlier this evening, his teacher, Mrs Lunn, called with a report for us on a test that his class had recently taken. Joey did remarkably well on this test and she also expressed how she has been impressed with his behavior lately, too.
I then asked him a silly question - a quirky part of our bedtime routine. Since my pride was bubbling over, tonight's question was, "are you going to grow up and be President one day?"
He answered, "yes."
I gave him another hug and kiss, made sure he had his water and his blanket and went to go turn out the light. As I reached the door, Joey said, "Mom? When I get to be President, which coin do I get to be on?"
Needless to say, I had no answer!
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