This whole ordeal is tiring on a good day, but with a low grade fever and a headache -- it's downright incapacitating. At 9:00, after a good dinner and a headache pill, I decided that the process of separating the orders for each Girl Scout could wait until morning. I made myself a cup of Sleepytime tea, waded through the sea of Peanutbutter Patties and Lemonades to curl up on the sofa with the book I'm currently reading, Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert. I found my place, marked with a bookmark Joey made for me. Chapter 6. The first line I read...
"Oh, but it wasn't all bad those few years...
"Because God never slams a door in your face without opening a box of Girl Scout Cookies."

Hey! I found your blog randomly. do you mind if I bookmark you?
and happy international womens day!
I don't mind at all!
Happy International Womens Day to you, too!
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