Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I have found that the only thing I really miss is the Choir


I sing in the shower and in the car. I sing while cleaning and cooking. I sing with the radio or all by myself. I have sung music written by major composers who have been dead for hundreds of years, but whose music lives on. And I have sung original pieces by composers whose names are not yet known, but should be. I have had the blessing to work with some of the finest musicians and conductors of our time. I have sung with the company of a 600 member choir and in a lonely studio - just me, the engineer and a microphone.

But in any situation, even the shower, my voice never sounds as good as it does in the Church.

For years, my greatest singing outlet has been Church Choir. Not just any Church Choir mind you - The Bethesda Lutheran Church Choir. This is a very special group.

When you sing together in a choir, you develop a kinship with people that cannot be compared to any other relationship. You become involved in each other's lives. You know about their kids and grandkids, their vacations and health issues. I had an extra special relationship with the Choir, because I was the youngest member. And since I had grown up at Bethesda, some of these dear people had known me since I was a baby. So when Jeff and I had decided last year to begin to break away from Bethesda and find a Church closer to home, the most difficult thing I had to do was turn in my folder.

Leaving was made a little easier by the fact that the director (and my dear friend) David was on a much needed and well deserved Sabbatical so he was not around to twist my arm around into staying. The real reasons we have for breaking away from Bethesda are still there, so we really don't want to go back. But in the months since our departure from Bethesda, I have found that the only thing I really miss is the Choir.

And then last week, David called and asked if I could come back and sing with him for a very special Advent service this weekend. I jumped at the opportunity and we made a plan to rehearse together. At the rehearsal, he asked if I would be available or willing to sing for Christmas Eve service. And, of course, I jumped at the opportunity again. I am so excited to be involved! It's starting to feel a bit more like Christmas!

But now, I am all stuffed up and I sound like I'm plugging my nose when I sing. I need to be better by Sunday. So I'm doing my sinus washes and drinking be tea. Hopefully, God will see to it that I won't sound like I'm singing his praises with a clothespin on my nose.

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