Sunday, December 30, 2007


So the end of the year is here and like every year, I have decided to make some resolutions. I'm a little reluctant, because I hate to set goals and then not keep them. But the big difference between this year and the previous 25 is that I am writing them here, which makes me accountable to all who read this. I'm sure that none of you actually care whether or not I keep my resolutions, but just in case...

here they are.

1) Walk, walk, walk. I used to be so good with my walking routine. I'm not sure what happened, but it's time to start again.

2) Financial Peace. Emergency fund saved. Credit cards cut up. All debt snowball paid by the end of 2008.

3) Love and Logic. We have been using the Love and Logic parenting techniques pretty faithfully for about 3 years now, but I need to remember to be consistent. I am also making it a goal to attend at least one lecture and begin the process of becoming a Love and Logic parenting educator.

4) Relationships. I will do what it takes to be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, teacher and Scout leader.

5) Read, read, read. I am going to read more. Fiction and non-fiction. From books - not blogs!

6) Continue my music education. I have taken voice off and on for years, but I haven'y had a piano lesson in ages. I at least need to practice more regularly.

7) Be accountable to this list.

So there they are. None of them are huge, but together it seems like a lot. We'll see!

Happy New Year!

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