Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm a Yellow?

I was taking a little break from my lesson planning and I took one of those online quizzes to determine what color I am.

Apparently, I'm yellow.

Okay, yellow's good. The color of sunshine, daffodils, my favorite robe, a glass of wine....that stain on my kitchen counter that won't go away, the house around the corner where the bratty kids live, urine.

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with this information. Should I seek out other yellows to chat with so we can help each other out with our yellow issues? Should I try to avoid the purples since they are opposite from me on the color wheel? What color is Jeff? Are Janey and Joey automatically green or orange since they have a yellow mother?

What a burden to be labeled. I want to be appreciated as a yellow individually, but also as a part of the greater picture. The essential component of the rainbow, happily nestled between red and orange. A vital part of green.

And the weird part if it is, I always thought of myself as a pink. I don't think these things are very scientific.

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