Sunday, April 20, 2008

I've been tagged!

5 Things You Found In Your Bag

1. Wallet
2. Book I'm reading - Eat Pray Love
3. Make up bag
4. Bottle of Tylenol
5. Gum

5 Favorite Things In Your Room

1. Stained glass lamp
2. Wedding pictures
3. Kid's baby pictures
4. My blanket with the purple flowers
5. Arrested Development DVDs

5 Things You Are Currently Into

1. Gardening
2. Walking
3. Growing my business
4. Improving my teaching skills
5. Making new friends

5 Things You Have Always Wanted To Do

1. Attend a show on Broadway
2. Take vacation on a train
3. Walk in a charity walk
4. Build our dream house (we are on our way!)
5. Take the kids to Disney World

5 People You Want To Tag

1. Kimberly
2. Jen
3. Megan


Kim said...

My parents took us to Disney World... and it was one of the best vacations we ever had. It's such a fun place. I would like to go back!

Miss Jodi said...

Yeah, we went too. I also went with a friend in college. I can't wait to go back again!