Friday, April 25, 2008

Is it the weather?

I am becoming cynical and mean spirited.

I've been in a foul mood for the last few weeks, but in the last couple of days it has gotten considerably worse. I'm snapping at people - even the kids, who have done nothing wrong. I went to the grocery store and got so angry because the elderly lady in front of me wasn't moving as fast as I wanted to go and I actually gave her a dirty look. That's not my usual disposition. So what's up with me?

Do I need sunshine?

Do I need a higher dose of Zoloft?

Do I need...**wink** (I'll let you fill in the blank!)

Maybe I just need to accept the fact that my rosy view of people is naive and short sighted. I need to expect people to be nasty, rude, dishonest and mean and then when they aren't, I can be pleasantly surprised.

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