Monday, April 21, 2008

Why is it so hard for them to see the obvious?

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with people. Not all people, just people with children. Not all people with children just certain people with children.

Some of my friends have become so self-centered. Get it through your heads folks! Once you have a child, every decision you make affects them! Stop making decisions that will screw up your kids!!

Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.


Kim said...

Not going to share the juicy details?

I wish people, in general, would realize their actions affect others - whether or not they are children.

Miss Jodi said...

No details here. Eyes everywhere!

I know what you mean, but children have no choice but to accept the consequences of their parents decisions, good and bad. And while that's true for adults most of the time as well, we have the grown up resources to deal with it. It's more tragic to me when kids have to deal with their parent's bad choices.